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Babys puppies.

18 11:55:04

My very young puppy just had puppies. They are 9 days old today. She had a c-section, so recovery has been a nightmare! However, she has been an amazing young mother. That is until the day before yesterday. Something changed in her. She won't feed any more. She acts like maybe it hurts. Her milk and nipples and stuff seem normal. She lays outside the box and cleans them. The cry ALL the time! It's almost like she has turned her attention to me. She just lost interest or maybe it's too painful to feed? How long should she be laying with them during the day? At 9 days, shouldn't she be with them? BTW, her age is only 8 months. Accidents happen. :/

Hi Jennifer

Was she given antibiotics for infection?
How many pups has she had?
What is her breed?

You may need to rotate the pups so she has only half the litter at a time.  For the first 3 weeks she should want to stay in with the pups 24/7.  

Depending on if she was given anything by the vet, her milk could be drying up. If they are crying, they might be hungry.  It's important to check the dam's milk supply.  Rotating will help.

Good luck