Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > breeding


18 11:54:54

I have 3 dogs, 2 males and 1 female the famale just had puppies about 3 weeks ago she dosent mind my older male dog they get along fine but my younger dog which  is the father she attacks even when their outside away from the puppies. Will this behavior go away once the puppies are gone or will she always try to fight him now? they used to be inseprable before the puppies came.

Hi Tori

Dogs don't think in terms of father, mother, etc.   She see's the younger male as a threat and she's letting him know she won't put up with his behavior.

Breeding changes a female, some submissive females can be come more dominant, this appears to be the case now.   Once the pups are gone things may go back to normal.

Good luck.