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Cieras Labor(Boxer)

18 13:26:59

My daughter's boxer is in labor her temp dropped on Saturday to 97.1. Didn't see any signs of labor until yesterday afternoon. Pacing, nesting, eye's strange looking,throwing up and seemed to be uncomfortable at times pulling her legs up a little. Today she has had a little light green discharge, several loose stools and  frequent urination. How long does the first stage of labor last and does the second stage kick right in. Its been 17 .years since the last puppies Thank you so much

Hi. The first part of labor can last up to 24 hours. The green discharge is what worries me. Any colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy needs to be checked out by a vet. I would call the vet anyway to let him know what's going on just in case you need him. Like I said, the first part can last up to 24 hours, then the contractions should start, and the pups should be born. Good luck.