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Pregnant Sheltie (unknown due date)

18 11:55:27


Sandi's temps
'How much longer untill my dog give birth?? I have a pregnant sheltie that I rescued on April 2nd....she was "about" 4-5 weeks pregnant, but they didnt know for sure how far along she was. The last couple weeks she has gotten real lazy and is leaking yellow/brownish mucuc so I figure she`s close. Her Temp has been running anywhere between 100.6-99.4 Last night at 11pm it was 100.7 thismorning at 7am it was 99.5
Her teats are full and she has white milk, just wondering if you could tell me about how much longer she has??'.

I have a chart of all her temps if you need it...She isnt "off her food" But is laying around alot...

Hi Jennifer

The thing with temperatures is you should know her "normal" internal temperatures.  Some females can run a little colder or warmer.

The yellow discharge would be her mucus plug.  You want to ensure it doesn't change to black or green, those colors are signs of trouble.

Gestation is 63 days, but without knowing a date of breeding, it's anyone's guess.  If she's still eating, I wouldn't be concerned.  Is she nesting? Do you know what she was bred with? Is this her first litter?

There's a good chance she'll whelp this weekend as early as tomorrow but Mother Nature is funny that way.