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to young to leave his mother

18 13:48:34

i got a jack russell at 4 wks i am worried he will not developed properly being taken away from his mother and siblings to young. i also have a miniature schnauzer who is 4 they are both males will they get along?

Hi Maria

In my opinion, 4 weeks old is way to early to leave with pack.  

Pups should stay with their mothers and siblings until they are least 8 weeks old.  They go through a development and learning stage, the only immunities they get are through the mother milk and they learn what is acceptable dog behavior.

Bringing the two males up together may work, depending on their personalities.  If they are both dominant, it will be like having 2 little boys in the house always fighting for top spot.  But if the JRT is more laid back (LOL) it should be fine.