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uninterested male boxer

18 13:43:19

My female is 2 yrs old and on day 8 of her heat. My male boxer is inexperienced and is 1yr 3 months. How can I get him interested in her? Should I wait more time? seporate them? I have been waiting for this for a long time and want to know wha I can do to help this be successful.

Hi Angela. It may be a few things. It may be because of his age. He's awfully young. Boxers need more time to really finish maturing. Sometimes it take some boys longer than others. If it doesn't work this time, then maybe when he's older you'll have a better chance. Most health checks can't be done until their two years old anyway. Secondly, she's early into her heat cycle. A good, experienced stud will know when to go about buisness, and when to ignore. If in a few days he still ignores her, then it may be because of his inexperience. There's really not a whole lot that you can do to make him do it. You may just have to give him some time to finish growing. The hardest part of successful dog breeding is the wait. :-) I know I didn't give you many options here, but I just think that he needs more time to mature. Then I think that you won't have a problem with him doing what he's suppose to do. Just because a dog can produce sperm, doesn't mean that he's ready to breed. I know for a fact that Boxers tend to be puppish longer than most breeds. He may simply need to finish growing mentally as well as physically. I wish you good luck!