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my bitch

18 13:41:56

I have a black lab and she is just starting to have her cycle. I was wondering will she stop bleeding after conception or will she have to finish out a cycle? This is the first time I have ever had a female in the house and I am not really sure what to expect.

Hi Amy:

Are you planning to breed your female? If so, it really doesn't affect her heat cycle either way - she'll still continue on with the cycle whether or not mating occurs. The initial onset of the cycle, typified by swelling of the vulva & a bloody vaginal discharge, will last on average about 7 to 10 days. When the discharge lessens in flow & color, becoming more of a pale pink to straw color, this is the fertile portion of her cycle & is when she'll be receptive to breeding. On average this portion lasts from 5 to 7 days but can last even longer - it varies from dog to dog. I'm including a few links to sites you may want to read to become better acquainted with the cycle. Hope this helps!