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bleeding second time in heat!

18 13:27:53

Hi, i would be grateful for your advice to do with my 7 year old Airedale. She appears to have been in heat for 3 weeks now and started to "bleed" again the last few days. The blood though this time is a very dark red/brown and thick with some small clots now and again. She did have some blood a few weeks ago but it was the usual watery kind, and not much of it really. She is eating ok and not overly drinking, is it possible that we got the signs of her "season" wrong do you think?

Hi. It could be because of her age, messing her cycles up, but I would still take her in for acheck up just to be on the safe side. It could be the start of pyro, or it could be normal, I really don't know as I can't personally see it. If she were my dog, I would take her in to see what's going on. Shouldn't cost much for the vet to have a look. Good luck!