Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > day 64

day 64

18 13:27:35

QUESTION: hi, Renee, hope your well. my staffie is 64 days pregnant. This is her second litter and last. First litter went with know complications and she had nine pups, however two were stillborn. She has been displaying early signs for a few days now and my vet feels that she should not go on showing these signs for nothing to happen so wants her to go for a c- section tomorrow. However this morning she has been nesting over night not touched her food at all and her rectum temp is 36.7. she has left her whelping box only to go to the toilet and has gone straight back to her whelping area. She is well in herself anf i can feel pups moving. I feel my vet is being hasty for a c-section as i feel for sure she is going to whelp. I would like to hear your opinion on my Bonnie, I think a c-section is a massive op for her when she is only a couple of days over if at all. she onlt tied once on the 27th of March
michelle gray (u.k)

ANSWER: HI. First of all, I apologize for taking so long in getting back to you. I'm having a serious problem with my internet connection. I hope that this has resolved itself by now. I feel that sometimes vets are fast to do a section. If the dog is presenting herself as doing well, has a previous natural whelping experience, the pups are doing fine, and there are no signs of complications, I don't see why she couldn't try it herself. I would talk to your vet and ask why he wants to do a section so badly. He may have a good reason. if it's just because she's overdue a day or two, that's not a good enough reason. Talk to your vet, ask why he wants to do this, and voice your concerns. Have a good talk with him and then make your decision. Good luck, please let me know how it goes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi Renee, Bonnie sucessfully whelped all by herself early hours of wed morning. She had a huge litter of 10 pups. All very well, apart from she lent on one pup and sadly she suashed the poor little girl! She is being an excellent mommy and they are all thriving at the moment. My fear now is that bonnie is so skinny already any suggestions she is on puppy meat is there anything else that will stop her wasting away.

Hi. I'm glad that she whelped them herself, and everyone is doing good. The look awful after they have their pups. What you can do is just give her constant access to food/water. You can also add beef broth or cottage cheese to her food to get her to eat well. The first week is usually the worst, after that, they tend to start to put their weight back on slowly. When you worm the pups, worm her as well. Do this, and she should put some weight on before too long. Do you have her on kibble?