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regirgating mom first time litter

18 13:49:15

Have you ever heard of a whelping dog vomiting for her young? The reason I ask is I have a first time mom (Rottweiler) that has done this 4 x. We have cleaned up the mess and did not let the pups eat it. I called a vet and asked them if they have EVER heard of a domesticated dog doing this. The vet said it might be a behavioral problem. But I don’t think so.  

Hi Mike

Yes, in fact we have two particular females (a mother & daughter) that are outstanding mothers.  They have such strong mothering instincts. When we weaned their pups, the mothers vomited twice a day.  

The pups ate it fine, (my stomach rolled a bit) and there was no lasting side effects for the mom's.   I wouldn't be concerned of a behavioral problem, your momma knows what she's doing.