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My dog and pregnancy

18 13:27:16

Hi there, My Jack Russell Terrier was mismated on April 14th of this year. We didn't know the dog she bred with. After about a month, we noticed an enlargement in her teats, and also more licking, eating and snuggling. She has had pups before, and this was her typical behaviour then also. Although her abdomen didn't seem to be enlarging as much as it did the first time, we were certain that we could feel movement inside. I didn't take her to the vet for confirmation, because I assumed that time would tell. Her teats continued to expand, and she did get chubbier and more firm in the abdomen. A couple of days ago, she started whimpering, and nesting, and becoming very restless. She follows me everywhere I go, and cries when I leave the house. She hasn't had an appetite for much food either. Yesterday, she was doing the same thing, but she also had quite a bit of clear, slimy discharge coming from her vulva. I took her temp, and it was 99.14 . She was very lathargic yesterday. Today, her temp is 99 degrees, but she doesn't seem to be whimpering as much, and she's wanting to go outside more than she did yesterday. Is it possible that this could all be a false pregnancy? Today is day 64 since the mating. I figured the reason she didn't get very fat was because she was having a small litter, but I was sure I could feel puppies in there. Now I am second guessing myself! I thought when her temp dropped, it was a sure sign, but I just read that that can happen with a false pregnancy too. What about all the slimy stuff?? Can that happen with a false pregnancy too? I'm worried about her. Hope you have some advice for me! Thank you!

Hi. That slimy stuff could be her mucus plug, the can lose that a few days before giving birth. My best advicce here would be to get her to the vet to see if she is for sure pregnant or not. This way, you'll know that if it is a false pregnancy, it will pass. But uf she is really prego, then you'll know to keep an eye on her. Good luck!