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Breeding- fears and concerns

18 13:41:38

Hi Cindi--  First I live in the us virgin islands so getting a new puppy from the states is difficult, and setting up a time to pick out a puppy and get back is sometimes hastey.  So my question to you is:  I have a female Yorkie (Ellie)  She is in the first week of her 4th heat.  She weighs 4.8 lbs, 3 years old is healthy and active.  No classic yorkie issues (patella etc...)  the potential sire is a 3 year old also and weighs 3.9 lbs.  Checks out healthy with our vet.  My concern, I of course started to do some research on breeding and it has now scared me to death.  I don't and won't sell a puppy. My girlfriend and mother of other puppy wants a puppy as do I.  We are willing to split the cost of the entire process including a possible c section.  my vet and friend, strongly suggests a scheduled c section.  My vet is actually more worried about me being overly worried and a nervous wreck then he is worried about Ellie : )   As I read on about how perfect your dog should be for representing her breed, how dangerous it is, she could die!!!!  Leave it to the pros etc...  How does anyone ever come to a certain decision on breeding?  Our dogs get along great, they had no problem experimenting yesterday.  Is it as scary as they make it seem?  If your are as prepared as you can be can it be an enjoyable process? My vet is her god father and my other friend is our Humane Society vet tech and is willing to help at any time...   I have the space, I have no children in the house and I can afford it financially, but that doesn't mean I won't ruin my baby or lose her to an unexpected problem etc...  I feel as though I am rambling but I don't want to make this decision lightly or disregard it as an option because of horror stories...  Just an honest opinion is what Im looking for.  Thank you so much for your opinion.  ps- are all yorkie tails docked or shortened after birth?     Thanks again--  Kristin in St Thomas

Your baby is awfully small. I don't like to see any dog under five pounds bred. You're breeding not only your girl and the male, but also every other dog in their gene pool for five generations back at least. If there is just one six pounder back there you are looking at a possible csection. If you are VERY careful, have your girl ultrasounded at one month, xrayed two weeks prior to birth , have a great relationship with your vet, have either an experienced breederto help you whelp the litter or your vet,and are well enough versed with dealing with dropping blood sugar in pups, raising a very very tiny litter,deworming vaccinating,teaching them to eat, dealing with the possible loss of a pup (it happens some times no matter what you do right) and yes even the mother (again it happens under the best of circumstances sometimes) then I say go for it. It IS scary, it CAN be difficult, heartbreaking, exhausting and a myraid of things in between. Everything, every horror story can definitely happen. That being said, it doesn't HAVE to. If you are prepared, accept the responsiblity, and all goes well, it is exhilarating, thrilling. heart warming,awesome and in some ways indescribable. Be ready for all of the failures, if they happen, deal with them, if they don't, ENJOY. Just remember that with living creatues,some things are just beyond your control. You can only do your best to deal with the ones that are within your control.
Yorkie's tails are docked, and dewclaws removed, between three and five days of age :)
Let me know what you decide to do and if you DO breed, I'd love to hear all about your experiences.