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heart problems in boxer;

18 11:55:24

I have a boxer who is 7 months old now. I know both of the owners of the 2 dogs that were bred and have been told that 4 of the puppies have died all at different stages the last being a couple of days ago and the vet had detected a heart problem in that one and they were waiting for their appointment with a specialist and the dog suddenly died. Is there a possibility that the whole litter has this problem? My vet said that she is in good health and doesn't think we should be concerned however we have not advised him of this last death at this time.

Hi Amanda,  Have your Vet run some Blood work to check Blood Gasses and Complete CBC ---
Most of the time a Heart, Kidney or Liver problem will show in the blood work.
Sounds like your Boxer is doing well.  Please see the Vet ASAP to put your mind at ease.

Consider a good supplement - Most of my clients take NuVET Plus each day - it's a Wafer treat.
Helps to keep the immune system strong and strengthens all the body's systems.
It's helps to ensure your pet's health and wellness.
See here:
Try a bottle at 39.00 or 55.00 - Just 1 wafer a day is all you need
Use My order discount code: Marie Peppers (  81098  )

Let me know how the blood work comes out?
My phone:  803-424-2312

Marie Peppers LPN MA