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Golden retriever in heat trying to breed

18 13:42:01

We have an almost four year old (will be four in May) Golden retriever. She has had one litter of pups when she was about a year and a half. (different owner bred her) Right before we got her, her previous owner gave her an abortion shot (thinking we would not want pups). She did not come into season for over a year and a half. Now we introduced her to a male Golden and she immediately went into heat. We have been letting them spend time together for two weeks now. They have tied several times. Today she has started vomiting and diarrhea. Do dogs get morning sickness? It is not like her to get sick. The only other time she did this was when e first got her and washed her in dog wash (we now use baby shampoo) she vomited for three days then. Help I am really concerned for her.

Hi Jackie. Dogs can experience morning sickness, but from what I'm reading, she's still in heat? It's probably too early for her to be experiencing that right now. Not saying it can't happen, just that morning sickness usually happens a week or so after the dog goes out of heat. She may be vomiting because of her hormones. Some dogs are super sensitive. If she doesn't stop with the vomiting and diarrhea tomorrow, I'd take her in for a check up just to be safe, especially since she may be pregnant. Good luck!