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puppies wont take bottle

18 13:30:19

Hi there! It's Feb.4, 09 and I read your answer to the question about whelping mother won't breastfeed her puppies. I am confused.
My dog had (8)puppies about 4 weeks ago (Jan 17 /09) and as well as the previous question asked she has almost completely stopped breastfeeding.
I have tried puppy formula,  but the pups will not take to ANY bottle. The puppies cry a lot throughout the day and all night as well.
I am getting NO SLEEP, I am keeping vigil 24/7 because I keep trying to get the mother to feed, then I try the bottle, and I even try bottles of plain water, thinking they just don't like the formula, to no avail. The pups are healthy and thriving, but if I wasn't there 24/7, I am sure I would have lost at least 2 by now, possibly 4....
You said in your earlier answer that I can feed the pups the "soaked in formula" the dog food, but only once a day, well that is only holding the pups off for about 5 hours, then they want to breastfeed, and my mother dog pretty much refuses.
This is what I am confused about, what else am I supposed to feed them? The pups only want mom's breast, I have tried different bottles too, all sorts of nipples, I have even tried the regular baby bottles and nipples too... I have pretty much had to turn into the puppies "mom", because my dog wants nothing to do with the pups, unless she is forced.
It is hard on my mother dog, but I have had to force her down and sit with her... practically holding her down, I know I shouldn't ... but I don't know what else to do!
Even when I do keep my mother dog in the box to feed her pups, she only stay put and let's the pups nurse for 10 minutes MAXIMUM, then she runs away, jumps the box, and pretends she doesn't hear me calling her back! and she won;t come back for at least 6 to 8 hours, and it is only because she is forced!
I have tried leaving - thinking that I was the problem, my mother dog doesn't care that her pups cry, I have tried soothing my mother dog back into the pups box, my mother dog, doesn't care, I have tried everything, and nothing! she just plain doesn't want to be a mom anymore.
My mother dog is getting engorged too, I spend lots of time with her giving her attention, playing with her, etc. I put warm wash clothes on her to alleviate the pressure, then I have to force her to breastfeed in order to 1- feed the puppies and 2- help her breasts not be so hard, but my mother dog just doesn't want to be a mom anymore.
I have tried everything that I can think of....and I have gone to vet too many times (I just don't have the money to spend over and over and over.....
Can I feed the puppies more often that once per day?
What else do you think I can or should do?

Hi Lori. I don't mean to laugh, but your question gave me a chuckle. I can tell when the truely sleep deprived write me.:-) I know what you're talking about, but it does get easier, I promise. When I wrote to only feed the pups once a day, I meant to start out with, to get them use to eating normal food. Then, you up the feedings. Since mom doesn't want anything else to do with these puppies, it's time to switch them to puppy food. This will help all of your problems. You and mom are stressed out at this point, let's make it easier on you guys. For mom, cut back on food just a bit. This will help slow her milk down without causing problems for her. Put cool compresses on her breasts, this will also help slow down milk production and help ease any pain. Keep an eye on her breasts for any hot, red areas. If you see one, take her to the vet and get her some medication. This is the start of mastitis, the sooner you catch it the better. As for the pups, if the pups don't like the puppy formula, soak their food in warm water, let if get soft and then give it to them. Keep water available to them at all times. It will take them a bit to get them eating regular food and to not want mom all the time, so they may cry a bit at first. Once they figure out how good the puppy food is, they'll take to it like fish to water. Then, you'll have more messes to clean up.:-) They may experience a little diarrhea when they start to eat puppy food. If shouldn't last too long, but you can get some probiotic to help with that. You can buy it either from your vet or from a human health food store. Some people add canned pumpkin to their diets to help with diarrhea. Not the kind you buy for a pie, you can find this at the health food store as well, some also add plain yogurt with probitocs in it already. Either way, switching these pups to regular food will save everyone's sanity, and is the way to go with these guys. Feed them 4 times a day to start out with. When they hit 6-7 weeks, you can go down to 3 times a day. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know.