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18 13:30:32

Hi, My two year old shortie Jack Russell female is in heat and approximately between her 10th and 12th day of heat. Two days ago she started spotting red. Today I went and picked up the JR breeding stud and brought him home. At first she hated him but after I took them for a walk, she loved him when we got home. He is trying hard to breed her, she is standing well for him, but so far they haven't tied yet. Can she still get pregnant? I only saw his penis out once even though he has been trying hard. It is very cold here about 17 degrees when we went for a walk. Could this have affected his ability? She is may be a quarter to a half inch taller than him. Could this be a problem? Thanks so much!

Hi Shirley

Nobody (2 or 4 legged) like to be doing their business in the cold. It won't distract but it can be unpleasant, especially if a tie last longer than a few moments.

It's great that you've started letting them together.  The next couple of days will be the most important.  

It' is possible to become pregnant without a tie, but typically that would result in a singleton litter.   So a tie is always better.

If she's a little taller, try encouraging them to mate on a incline.  (Hill, slope, stairs, pillows).  

Good luck