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I need help on her pregnancy

18 13:31:58

I keep her with her whelping box in my room and a inclosed spot. she loves being in my room and she has decided to have her spot there. I put in newspaper and towels for her to have them on and she has made a nest out of them. She eats a lot and chews on bones but she is starting to show some signs of first stage labor, and has been for a few days. Her temperature stays around 98.9-99.9. So I am wondering if this means i have a few days left before they are born, or if its going to be a while longer.

Hi Katie

I've never been a huge fan of the temperature test because you have to know your female's body temperature when she's "normal".  Anything can make a temperature fluctuate by a few degrees, from drinking water, to laying in the sun.

The best sign is the loss of appetite, panting and nesting.  

Good luck