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breeding a dog with a deformity

18 11:59:38

I want to ask a question. We took in a doberman girl with a defomed front leg. From her elbow it looks like her leg bones are shoved right next to one another and her foot and paw are all mangled into one wih a big"dewclaw finger".
Our question is could she be bred and pass that to her pups or is it something that is not hereditary? We were told it is not something that could be passed, it is simply because the front leg did not have room to grow in the womb. Also ,if that should play no factor in the pups would it be too much on her with the extra weight? The breeder that tossed is unable to be reached to question. Can you help/?
Thank you

Hi Jenny

Any animal with a deformity should not be bred period. She has a birth defected and typically with pups that have something that you can see on the outside wrong, will have something wrong on the inside that you can't see.  She has a higher than average chance of passing any deficiency onto her off-spring.  

A responsible "breeder" would have ensured that this female could not be bred. I believe that this "breeder" should be reported to whatever organization your pup is registered with.  Do her and the breed a favor, have her fixed and give her the best life she can have as a treasured family member.

Good luck