Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > milk infection!!!!!

milk infection!!!!!

18 13:41:51

QUESTION: hi i wonder if you can help me i have a puppy that is six weeks old but its not with me yet it is still with the mum and breeder she has phoned me to tell me that all the litter has got a milk infection from the mum and that she has lost one not mine i speak to the breeder nearly every other day but have not spoke to her for four days as i have been really busy but she knew this but because larry bthe puppy is a yorkshire terrier and he is so small like palm of your hand small she said to keep my fingers cross and pray but i really dont know anything about milk infections ohh she has seen a vet and he is on antibiotics but just wondered if you could enlighten me is this serious helppppp!!

ANSWER: Hi Louisa. It can be serious. If the breeder caught it in time and is treating it, then they should be ok. I hope that she went a head and weaned the pups, they are at the right age to be weaned anyway. Is she positive it's from a milk infection, and not something like coccidia? They're also at the right age for that. What symptoms do they have?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i do think she may have caught it in time she realised on friday night and took them too the vets and had blood tests she has weaned them but was still letting them on their mum at night and they are on antibiotics but i think she is more concerned that they are so small to fight the infection also i am worried about any long term afeects on their adult health. thank you for your time and your quick response  i really do appreciate it once again thank you

As long as she caught it in time, then they should be ok. It make take awhile for them to get better, but they should make a nice recovery. As for adult health, it shouldn't affect it at all. They should bounce back and be healthy as long as nothing else is going on. Good luck!