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18 13:40:18

Hi!...I have a male pitbull and a female pug. Would it be possible to breed them in the future or would it be too hard on the dog to deliver bigger pups than she is? Let me know because I would like to breed them, and one more thing.How do you get them to mate? Do you just leave them in a room or what do I do? lol...Thanks! Have a nice day!

Hi Jennifer. I would highly suggest not breeding these two. The female is so much smaller than the male, it may cause her some serious problems with whelping. The Pugs are known to have some problems whelping anyway. If you did this, you very well could have to end up doing a c-section. I don't even know how easy it would even be for these two to be bred considering the size differences. A whole lot of work would have to go into it. This is only my suggestion, but I would reconsider it. Find a male Pug if you really want to breed your girl. I have nothing against mixed breeds at all, however, when you put two or more breeds together, you're looking at that many different set of health problems and such. You need to figure out what health problems are in both of your breeds and have the dogs tested for them before you breed. This helps to produce healthy puppies. Good luck!