Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > preganancies


18 13:32:06

i have two young pups but already they have started to mount my female my male yorkie is 12 weeks old and my female is only 10 weeks old how old are they if they possibly get pregnant as i dont want this

Hi Laura

At the age your pups are, it's about dominance.  They are trying to find their place in the pack. Hoping for the lead role.  

You need to correct that behavior, it starts with each other and ends with your mother-in-laws leg.  A quick shake and a stern NO! should let them know it's not acceptable behavior.  It is especially obnoxious in small dogs.

A female can only become pregnant when she ovulates.  So when she's in season.  She can take the her first heat, but that's too young.

Good luck