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puppy parasite

18 13:49:08

Hi Joyce, I have a healthy 1 wk. old Chihuahua litter on the ground, and 1 preggy female.  All are very healthy. Sold an 18 wk. old pup last wk. and the new owners discovered she has Giardia~! she did eat her own poop, maybe cat feces found in the yard, does this mean all my dogs are infected? they're showing no symptoms, and I can't treat the nursing mama nor the preggy girl.  If you can help me that would be great, the vet says have them all tested but it's expensive and not totally accurate.
If you can help, maybe there's something holistic I can treat them with, the eat only holistic food and are very well cared for, they're my babies.  Thanks Joyce

Hi Colleen --

It's terrible when our "babies" become sick.

Giardia is a protozoan (one-celled animal) disease.  The life cycle is kind of complicated but basically, infection results from ingestion of the cyst form.  The cyst invades the lining of the bowel where they mature into adults and are shed it the feces.

Giardia is asymptomatic (host does not experience symptoms or may not be discovered until medical testing is done.)  Infected dogs shed cysts intermittently so it takes 3 negative smears for 3 consective days to rule out a diagnosis.

I would treat ALL the dogs and puppies on your property. It is best treated with Flagyl (metronidazole).

Unfortunately preventative measures are the best cure. You can make a tinture of Parasite Tea which includes black walnut, parnsip and other ingredients and give it to your dogs annually.  Use a lye mixture to clean kennels, yard, house and pick up and dispose of feces immediately.

Good luck.