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How to mate a miniature schnauzer

18 13:40:35

We want to breed from our miniature schnauzer and wanted to know when she comes into season from what date of her cycle should we take her to be mated, any information would be welcome, its my first time.

Kind regards


Hi Jackie

You should wait until she's had her second or third heat.  

When the time comes you want to make sure the male you choose is healthy and been tested for brucellous.  

The most common reason for a unsuccessful mating is timing.  

Most females come into heat in six month intervals, although some go longer.  As a rule of thumb, heats last 21 days as determined from the first day of vaginal bleeding.  It ends when a female will no longer stand for a male.

The onset of heat lasts 6 - 9 days.  It starts with a dark bloody discharge and firm swelling of the vulva.  This is when all the males begin to notice something's up. The female releases pheromones in her urine and vulva.

Next the female becomes a "flirt".  She's raise her tail and flag it to the side.  She will present herself to males.  The vulva softens and the discharge turns a link pink.  These are days 9 - 15 (or until she won't stand for the male any longer).

If all goes well pups will be born 63 - 70 later.

Good luck.