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Boxer pregnant or experiencing a false pregnancy

18 13:33:48


Zeus flashy face and S
Hi there, I have 2 beautiful boxer dogs named Zeus and Shira. We are trying to breed them, so July 12 was the first time that we seen the 2 lock,(mate). Shira is a smaller sized boxer and we did notice that she has put on a bit of weight and her ribs are wider, her valve is so huge and hanging. Her nipples are painfully huge and hanging as well. She has been eating so much more than normal and when Zeus tries to go near the food she growls and barks at him.
My question is, she would be due any time now, she has shown signs of labor, she is constantly laying down, hasn`t eaten in a day and a half, she is leaking this yellowish mucus and she is constantly shaking. Now this would be the her first litter, but she hasn`t dropped, like us humans do when we are about to go into labor, what are the chances that she not even pregnant, or maybe it`s just because she doesn`t have many puppies in there?? I'm not sure. COnfused.
She is in a huge whelping box full of comfy blankets and such. I just don't know what to expect. Should her belly be huge at this point. What is the minimum of puppies in a boxer's first litter!!

Hi Kim. If she was bred on July 12, then that would put her due on Sept. 12, which was last Friday. How many other times were they bred? You have a due date for each day they bred. What concerns me here is that you say that she has a yellow discharge and is shaking. A vet trip is in order here, I think that it's very important that you get your girl in to the doc for a check up as fast as you can. Every dog is different in how they present themself during pregnancy. She may just not be having a large litter. On average, Boxers usually have 4-6 pups. Remember, this is just average. I had one girl give birth to only one pup her first time, and I had a different dog give birth to 8 her first litter. In dogs, when the dog is close to labor, her belly will usually feel like a bag of rocks, and her backbone will stick out. About 24 hours before a dog whelps, she'll pant and dig like crazy. My best advice here would be to get this girl to the vet. Let me know if I can help with anything else.