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bredding my female toy poodle

18 13:27:00

My girl came into heat im gonna say either fri 6/19, or Sat 6/20. Today the blood is very red. she is 2 and this will be her 3rd heat. I want to breed her to another toy poodle a lil smaller then her. I just want to make sure I do everything right. what is the best day I should get the male and bring him over to try my female. any and all your info will be very helpful! thanks so much*

Hi Erica

Typically you would start counting when you notice blood.  Breeding days 9 - 15 (or when your female starts to stand and flag your male).

Bring the male around day 9 and get them use to each other you and let them spend 30 minute intervals together.  Leaving them together for hours at a time will spend and frustrate them both.