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Breeding my pitbull

18 13:49:04

I have a 2 yr. old Colby Rednose.  I have breed her once and she gave me 8 beautiful Rednose puppys. I wasn't going to beed her this year, was going to wait till next year, but my roomates dog which is half pitbull and half queansland healer. My question is, my girl and him got hooked up for about 1 minute and she pulled aways from him, could she be pregnant by him and if so, can I breed her next year and will she have prue breed puppies???? Please help me. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to fix her.......  

Hi Belinda,

Depending if she was ovulating, and viable semen could have been introduced then yes. But if there was no tie then the semen has farther to travel and semen has lots of enemies including air. With a one minute connection I  doubt it.  You can go to your vet and get the equivalence of the "morning after pill".   

It's an old wives tale that because you've breed her once with a mixed that she can't have pure breed pups next go.  If the male is 100% Pit and the female is 100% Pit then the puppies will be 100% Pit.  There is nothing left over from her last breeding.

Good luck!