Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Dopple Dashund, brown

Dopple Dashund, brown

18 13:46:36

QUESTION: I recently rescued a male brown doople (im not sure of the spelling) dashund. Finding the owner i discovered he has no papers but is a pure breed. I would like to find his age and the ability to confirm above. I would like to find a female dog of his breed in my area to breed him and maybe get a puppy or something from this. Is this a resonible request?

ANSWER: Well,in order to do this responsably, you would first need to find out what kind of health problems are in his line. Then, you need to have him tested for them. You have to ask yourself, how does he compare conformation wise? It was my understanding that all rescue places either neuter the dogs before they go to new homes, or make the new owner.....

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The rescue was done done through a center.  I had a relationship with some people that knew some people that had gone to jail and were being evicted. I was asked by the person jailed to go get her dog and give him a good home. Arriving there i found the dog to have been alone and without food and water for days, the weather had been in the 100-105 degree range and he was riden with flees. We have a personal vetinarian that we have taken him to. I have used the word rescue, maybe just because that is what i felt i did! Anyway, can you answer the question now that i asked?

I was not putting you down in any way. I was just saying that I thought that most rescue places make sure the dog was neutered, that's all. Like I said in my last answer, in order to do this responsibly, you'll need to have him health tested for any health problems prone to doxies before you decide to breed him. As for finding out how old he is, your vet should be able to give you an approximate age after a thorough check up. Your vet should also be able to tell if he's a pure bred dog. If he's really not sure, find a good doxie breeder in your area and take him to them to see what they think. They should also be able to tell you if they think that he's a good specimen of the breed, because if you do decide to breed him, you want him to produce sound, healthy puppies that look like a doxie. And remember, the female that he's bred to will most likely have more than one puppy, so when you sell the other puppies, you're responsible to make sure they are healthy and sound. That's why I suggest you doing all of this, I know it sounds like a lot. If you sell sickly, or disfigured puppies, you can be held responsible in a court of law. I'm not saying that you would knowingly do this, but if you breed this dog not knowing if he has any health problems prone to the breed, it's not going to matter to a puppy buyer that's stuck with a mountain of vet bills and decides to take you to court to cover the costs. I just want you to protect yourself, the pups and any potential puppy buyers. Is it a reasonable request to want a puppy from this dog? Of course it is! Everyone has a dog that they wish they had had a puppy from. But because you really don't know this dog's background, you're just going to have to do a little research first. I hope I have answered your question this time. Again, I meant no offense in my last answer. If you need anymore help, feel free to write.