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How long does labor last

18 13:42:26

My westie has been in labor for at least 6 hours and i have not had a chance to get her to my vet but have called him i bought 6 females and 1 male from a puppy mill as a rescue they are all pregnant i do not know how many she has had but i have only had her 3 days and she is in labor it is my first time she is restless, crying , shaky, nervous, panting, and wanting me very close to her how long can this go one and what signs should i look for as far as something important or emergencies thank you a answer as fast as possible would be greatly appreciated thank you Dacey

Hi Dacey

It could be the trauma of the move making her more nervous and bringing the onset of whelp.
6 hours seems like a long time, but you need more information.  You don't know what day she is at or if she has had pups before, what she was bred with?

If she's too early then her behavior could be a sign of complication.  You want to make sure she's not straining and pushing without any success.  You want to keep her hydrated, calm, and in an area where she can comfortably and safely whelp her litter.  You want to make sure that her discharge is not black/green and has a foul odor.