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My Rottweiler is Pregnant

18 13:42:15

Hello, My six year old Rottweiler is pregnant with her last litter.  This is her fourth litter.  She was tied with the male on December 28th 2007.  As of yesterday, which would be 52 days gestation she started to leak a clear liquide from her birthing area, if you know what I mean.  I am concerned because I have never seen her do this before with her past litters.  I can still feel the puppies moving within her so I know they are alive, but I am worried she is trying to deliver too soon.  The male bred her a few times before they got hooked up, but they did not tie before the 28th.  She has also been acting like she is getting ready to have her puppies.  She is doind all of the same things she used to before she had her last three litters.  I cannot leave her or she panics.  I have to be with her when she whelps or she will walk around the house dropping puppies everywhere until I get on the floor with her, then she will stay in the whelping box and deliver the rest.  Can you help answer this very important question for me?  I am worried about her and her puppies.

Hi Angela. You said that they did infact breed before the 28th, but didn't tie. You don't always need a tie for a dog to become pregnant. Breeders want the tie, but I've personally known dogs that have become pregnant without one. That may be what's going on here. I, too, am concerned because she's only on day 52. If she can make it until day 58, it would be so much better. But!(a big one here :-) She may have actually become pregnant before the 28th, and it may not be anything to worry about. This is the hard part, because we just don't know. You say a clear it stringie and goopie, or is it more like water? Is it tinged with blood, or any other color? Any smell to it? A trip to the vet may be in order here. He would be able to check her out and tell you if she is in fact about ready to go into labor. The only thing is, if she does go into labor early, there's not much anyone can do to stop it. I know I don't offer much good news here, and I'm sorry. Please answer my questions above, and I may be better able to help you. Did you have an x-ray done?