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Miscarriage or what??

18 11:58:23

I have a pair of dachsunds and the first time they bred was 1-14.  I got the dogs in October, they've been together always, she's 2, he's 3.  I don't know the history, I don't think they've ever bred before, but not sure.  She's one of the very slender dachsunds but she started to put on a little weight and have all the signs, I've had lots of puppies before, but as time went on, her 60th day was 3-14, she didn't get very fat.  She did get titties and about a week before the due date even got milk, I thought maybe she was just having one puppy but I never really could feel any, I was hoping she was carrying them high.  On 3-14 I noticed she had a brownish, reddish discharge, but no pain or anything and it wasn't really heavy, I thought she may be going into labor.  She never acted like she was in any discomfort at all, no fever, nothing abnormal except the discharge.  It's now the 18th, no puppies, discharge is gone as far as I can tell, she's acting fine, happy and almost feisty like she's in heat or something.  Where did the puppies go?  It was just weird that she did the discharge exactly on the 60th day!  She didn't do any nesting or anything.  She still has milk and titties, not fat, she's a little heavier than she was but still has a waistline. I've had dachsunds with false pregancies, they never bred in their heat but she did, several times that I witnessed.  I'm very close to my dogs so if I'm home she's in my lap or right with me.  I haven't taken her to the vet, everything seemed to be normal except she wasn't very fat.  Anyway, I guess my puppies just disappeared if there were any.  If she had that bacteria that causes miscarriages, wouldn't she have some symptoms?

Hi Sherrie

It's disconcerting that you "don't know the history"  but bred them anyway.  Either one could carry hereditary defects in their lines.  There is a risk to a breed when breeding untested dogs, regardless of the breed and the Dachshund especially, will have a few to be aware and concerned for.

Two things could have happened, she either absorbed her litter or had a false pregnancy.  Either way you want to ensure she's cleaned out and healthy if you are going to repeat this breeding.  A trip to the vet for a low dose of antibiotics is a good start.  

Good luck