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no tie during breeding

18 13:41:58

QUESTION: Have had trouble with tie being completed with certain breedings of my Brussels Griffons.

ANSWER: Have you had your females vet checked to make sure there is no problem that could be preventing the tie? Like vaginal stricture?
If they are young, and inexperienced sometimes you have to help them, especially if the male is inexperienced or has a lack of confidence,
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, will have her checked for that. Also, I heard it was good to give vitamin E to bring on heat cycle. Is this true? Is it safe? If so, how much for an 8 lb. girl?

I don't think vitamin E will bring on a heat cycle. That should occur naturally regardless. Vitamin E is really great for dogs., as is vitamin C, b complex and omegas. Look for a good canine multivitamin. If you prefer you can use an infant liquid vitamin. Just follow the dosage on the package according to weight. :). Or you can give 4 to 8 IU per pound not to exceed 400 IU's per day regardless of weight.