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She is confusing me.

18 13:38:33

I have a prego shi-tzu that is 58 days prego today. I started taking her temp on monday. It was 100.1 in am , but dropped in pm to 98.4. Tuesday it was 99.3 in am and 99.0 pm. Today it was still 99.0 am and this afternoon. She is doing the "heavy" breathing, NOT panting but heavy. She wants to hide under any bed, and the pups are moving like crazy.  She hasnt gone into noticable "labor" yet but Im trying to narrow whelping down a little by taking her temp. Its not telling me anything lol or maybe i just dont know why its staying the same. She went a little earlier than the average 63 days with her first litter 2 years ago. Thanks.

Hi Lynn:

Probably one of the most difficult areas in dog breeding is knowing when whelping will occur - second only to distinguishing the fertile time to breed the female. The temperature drop indication can be tricky at best. I've had females show a marked drop in temp yet not whelp for three or four more days so it's not an exact science. Based on the other signs she's displaying, I'd guess labor is imminent but it's likely you'll have to continue to watch her carefully. The BIG pre-labor signs are restlessness, vomiting, pacing, shivering, panting (not just heavy breathing as you stated she was already doing) & vigorous nesting behavior. With any luck you'll catch sight of her water breaking, which is a definite sign that whelping is beginning. If she's sitting, it may only appear as a spreading puddle with some stray tissue but if standing, it will appear much like a fluid-filled balloon from vaginal area. Once that is expelled, you should see the first puppy within about half an hour, on average. If more than 3 to 4 hours elapses, she's showing obvious contractions yet no puppy arrives, it may require some professional medical attention so have your vet on call in case such a scenario presents itself. The possibilities are rampant but usually when this happens it's a case of an over-sized puppy blocking the exit. She may not necessarily require a C-section but only your vet will be able to properly determine that. Often an injection of Oxytocin, which helps the uterus to contract more efficiently, will speed things along & allow for a natural delivery.

I wish I could provide more insight for you but as I stated, these things are never text book & rarely proceed as we'd like! My very best to you & the soon-to-be mom!