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question about a 2 yr old female bichon welping first litter

18 12:00:13

2 yr old bichon first litter keeps yelping when ever we take her out to evacuate her bladder or bowels.  She had her litter yesterday afternoon, I was with her the whole time but she still managed to have one of the three pups without me knowing.  One of the boys has a gash in his left back leg at the knee joint and is missing the tip of his tail, and one has no tail. That doesn't seem to bother her at all if anything she is more attentive to those two then their brother who is perfect. My first question to you is what would make her yelp that way when she goes out to empty herself. She starts yelping from the time she leaves the yelping box until she returns.  At first I thought it was just because she was sore from it being her first litter, but no other dogs I've had have ever yelped like this after giving birth like her, not even the 7 yr old that I just got rid of acted this way with her last litter which was the same size if not bigger. My second question is have you ever seen a Bichon Frise born with no tail?  I don't mean a nub I mean none the one little pup has nothing at all that I can see or feel at his rear end and there is no nub, no tail, no nothing. Any ideas there?

Hi Danita

I would be taking the female and the pups to the vet for inspection immediately.   Did the female expel the afterbirth? Does she have a lot of discharge?  A shot of oxytocin should be administered.

A Bichon pup born without a tail sounds like birth defect.  And if there is no tail my concern would be that something else (part of the spine, bones, muscle) is missing.

A cut on the other pup can be explained away by the dam cutting it with her nails or being more aggressive getting the pup out of the sac.  

Good luck