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Shih tzu first heat

18 13:42:26

My shih tzu female is 8 months old born may 7th 2007 she is in heat for the first time.  We have a male shih tzu 4 years old and we didn't realize she was in heat and left them alone for a few hours 2 different days.  Could she already have gotten pregnant and how dangerous is it for her to be pregnant at 8 months old?  Please help!!!

Absolutely she could've and likely did depending on the timing and how experienced your male is. A pregnant eight month old is about like a pregnant thirteen year old girl. Make sure her diet is right,. have her vet checked at about twenty five days to confirm pregnancy or let you off the hook :). If she is pregnant I'll post some links and information for you to help her get through this. Make sure she is on a quality dog food. no wheat, soy, corn , or byproducts and get back to me if you need whelping help.
Good luck and try not to panic