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Silent / split seasons

18 13:42:26

Hello, I have a 2 1/2 year old beagle bitch who in the past has had 3 normal seasons, she was due January time and we are going to mate her this time. Her vulva swelled but no discharge,and no playing/humping with the other bitches. I have taken her to the stud dog. At first neither were interested, but she has settled down and is playing/humping the bitches there, (there is also a bitch due in season at the kennels) and the stud dog is interested. She is standing with tail to one side with the girls. The stud owner is going to try in a day. Are they fertile on a silent/blind season? and how do you know the difference from a silent/ blind season to a split season?  
Thank you in advance

Hi Clare
They can be fertile during a silent heat. The only way to know for sure is to start taking her to the vet for cystology and progesterone testing. Only by monitoring her horomone levels are going to get any idea of when she is actually ready to breed and even then you may have to do an AI to get it done
Standing is not always a sign that the bitch has ovulated, LH levels have risen or that she is ready to breed. When you have a really confusing cycle like this one you've got to have medical help to get a handle on it,
Good luck!