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dog delivery

18 13:32:15

my dog is had it's last pup at 8:36 and it is three hours later is this noman and what will be normal and what to look out for

Hi. I hope that she's had the rest already. A dog can safely go 3 hours inbetween puppies. After that, it's time to call the vet. Are you positive that she had more left in side of her? A dog that is done whelping will stretch out on her side to let the pups nurse. She'll be more relaxed. If a dog is trying to push a puppy out for longer than 15 minutes, it's time to call the vet. I'd put a call in today, even if she is done. I'd get her in to be checked out, and if she's done whelping I'd have the vet give her the clean out shot just to make sure that everything's out. Good luck!