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My Daschund is in labor

18 13:32:14

QUESTION: Hi, I have a long haired Daschund and she had her first puppy this morning around 6:30 am.  This is her first time giving birth.  I thought she would have more puppies but so far just one.  Should I expect more?  Its now been over 5 hours since the first pup was born.  I felt her stomach area and I really cant tell if anymore puppies are in there! Her nipples are filled with milk so its hard for me to tell. She is acting tired and nursing the puppy. Should I continue to wait to see if more puppies eventually come or should I take her to the vet?  How long does labor usually last?  Could more puppies be born at such lengthy intervals?

ANSWER: Hi Charlene

Typically it's 2 - 3 hours between pups. So there is a chance that she could be having a singleton.

What I would recommend is taking her for a short walk around the yard.  Make sure everything is moving and is stimulated.

Did she expel the sac?  Also if she has expelled the afterbirth, then you know she's done.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for responding so quickly to my questions.... And to answer your question... NO, I have not seen any sac or afterbirth.  The puppy that was born was covered in a sac like material and my dog (Lucy) licked it completely off the puppy when it was born but I haven't seen anything that looks like an afterbirth.  So the afterbirth is like a placenta then?  and she will deliver that like us humans do, right?  Is that what your saying? Now, after the puppy was born early this morning there was a lot of blood but nothing that looks like an afterbirth.  I will take Lucy for a walk around the backyard right now and check my email again after the walk to see if you've responded again.  Thanks so so much !!

Each pup is born in it's own sac, so it's good news that it came out.  

The "after birth" is a large clot of blood, very dark almost blackish red.

If Lucy doesn't seem distressed to you, panting, digging, etc.  Then chances are you have a singleton.