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18 11:58:45

my pit pull mix had her puppies early this morning.. she has three males. One is very small about half the size of the other males. and then another puppy has a split on the side of the nose and its lip very small though. and they were all born by 4:30a.m  it is 7:15am and none of them is feeding on her. Could they be to tired to feed or to weak as unhealthy to have the strength to feed? Also this is my pit mix second liter and the first one there was no problems at all she was a great mother. Will the puppy with a deformity  and the really small puppy survive?

Hi Ashley

When was her last litter?  What food is she fed?  Was she given supplements at all during her pregnancy?  Was she given anything during her pregnancy?

The deformity sounds like a clef palette.  The pup may have trouble eating and breathing and may eventually expire.

The smallest also may also have the same complications with eating and breathing. At this stage of the game you can't be certain the pup doesn't have a condition or just a throw back of the pit.

Good luck