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Pregnant Dog Follow up

18 11:56:41

My fox terrier is very close to birth, it is her 63rd day into pregnancy and I am expecting her to give birth any moment.
I do not have a thermometer to check her temperature but I have made her a whelping box and I placed old clothes in it.
Her teats are swollen but no milk is present/seen and my mum says she can feel the puppies kicking. Her behavior has changed, she attacked my Japanese Spitz although she loathes the Japanese Spitz today she attacked her twice. This was no average bite she bit into the Jap Spitz fur and thrashed her head side to side. Ive scolded her for doing it and both dogs are now seperated (one inside one out).
Also I'm not very sure if she knows she is pregnant or not, she jumps up and down and doesn't seem to notice that she is fat. I'm just wondering if she'll know what to do and if she even knows she's pregnant.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you very very much you have helped a lot (:


Does she nest in her box?  If it's her first litter, she may not know.  But Mother Nature has a way with these things.

Milk can come down after her body releases it's natural oxytocin.  So that's not a real concern yet.  

If she does have pups and as you say, "she loathes" the Spitz after she has them she is going to want to destroy the Spitz.  Best to keep them completely separated.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, I sent you a follow up but I'm not sure if it went through because I didn't get the question receipt. (very sorry if I sent you twice)
It is now the 64th day and she is seems very lethargic, she is falling asleep every few minutes and I can definitely feel the puppies moving.
I'm not sure what you mean by nest in her box so if you can please specify. She doesn't seem to eat much, every time I try to feed her she'd sniff it and walk away unless it's a treat, she'd sniff, hesitate then eat.
Thanks Joyce you've been a huge help, greatly appreciated the quick response let's hope all goes well (:

It's important to remember when your counting is that you have to give a few days leeway as it's 63 days from when the eggs where fertilized, not necessarily from the actual mating.

Nesting is digging and making a nest for her pups.  If you put newspaper in her whelping box she will shred it.  If it's towels and sheets, she'll nose them around until they are "just right".

By the sounds of things, she's close. And it's always the waiting that's the hardest.

Good luck