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can she be pregnant

18 13:45:00

Hi Renee
I female maltese went into heat Sept 9th,she had an outside tie with my male maltese on Sept 20th,mind you,I haven't seen if they had any other tie during the night.
My question is,her volvu is still somewhat enlarged but not as when she was in heat,that first week after the outside heat  she started morning sickness but nothing came out,she must of done this maybe 3 times in total,her nipple are big and I just noticed yesterday,she also has some swelling around the nipples,its not red or irritated,and is not unconfortable when i rub them lightly,it feels like a jelly under her skin,do you think she is pregnant?you helped me before and explained the outside tie,but can she really be pregnant,I am so excited I am busting at the seam,
Thank you

HI Mary! Well, she very well could be. She's too early yet to tell for sure. One day you'll be convinced she is, the next you'll think she's not. Welcome to the joys of dog breeding! :-) I promise you this: that dog will drive you crazy until she finally delivers. lol Seriously though, when she's about 40 days pregnant, you can take her and have an x-ray done to tell you for sure. It's really hard to say 'yes, she's pregnant.' False pregnancy symptoms often mimic real pregnancy ones. You'll just have to wait and see for now! :-)