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On what season should I breed my bitches first litter?

18 11:56:34

I Bought a yorkshire terrier puppy who is now 8 months old she is currently 2 days into her first season. I was just wondering on what season would be best to breed her first litter of puppies? I am really interesting in breeding her and I just wondered how long I would have to wait to breed her as my friend bred her bitch on her 2nd season and told me it would be okay to breed her than as her puppies came out fine and sold fine (she lost none no birthing complications and they were genaerally good quality pups) So please can i have some advice on her info and what is best for my dog.
Thanks, Carly.

Hi Carly

Each female is an individual. Some dogs mature quickly so the second heat may be fine.  

When she comes to her second season, determine her mental and physical health at the time and you'll make the right decision for her.  

Good luck