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poorly pup

18 13:28:05

My cocker bitch whelped 7 puppies 6 days ago.  There is one pup that lost a bit of weight after birth, but then picked up well however last night she developed a swollen eye.  I am bathing it and getting rid of the pus, but she now wont feed from mum.  I can see that she is losing weight.  Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you

Hi. I would take the pup to the vet to have him checked for an infection. he may need some antibiotics to help him fight whatever is going on, especially since you said he has a swollen eye. I would also ask the vet to show you how to tube feed the puppy just in case that's what you need to do, which sounds like he'll need it. When they're very small like this, they can dehydrate very fast, so I would get him to the vet quickly. Good luck.