Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > staffy bitch 8 month

staffy bitch 8 month

18 11:59:32

hi i have an 8 month old staffy bitch and a 1yr old staffy cross english  bull my  bitch has come into her first season my male has manage to get old of her a couple of days ago could you tell how long it usually takes for her to start showing signs of being pregnent and if she is would she be able to cope being pregnent at such a young age???

Hi Joanne

Females should be mentally and physically mature before considering breeding.  Hereditary and health traits haven't shown up in the make-up yet.  

Staffy's are tough little dogs, so she should be able to whelp the litter, but caring for the litter may be another story.

Depending on the number of pups she's carrying and where she's carrying them (higher in her chest) she may not show for a month to 6 weeks.

Good luck