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nursing great dane

18 13:30:01

I have a great dane and she is currently nursing pups.They are 3 weeks old.I have 2 questions about this.1>She is still bleeding,is this ok?2> her teets seem very large to me and they are getting hard is this normal?Thanks for your help.

Hi Brandy. I love the Danes, great dogs, congrats on your litter. What does the blood look like and how heavy is it? Some dogs will bleed for a few weeks after whelping. If the blood has lightened up a lot, and doesn't have a foul smell to it, then she's most likely ok. If it has a foul smell, get her to the vet. Large breasts goes with nursing.:-) They will get hard when they fill up with milk. They should soften back up after nursing. If they stay hard and have hot/red places on them, get her to the vet, it may be the start of mastitis, an infection in the breasts. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else.