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Is my dog in the 1st stages of labour

18 13:41:38

I have a shih tzu who today is in her 59th day of pregnancy. Been told it can happen anything form 57th day.  She has been panting continously for the past 15hrs and doing alot of digging/nesting, bit restlessless,shes off her food and small amount of diarrhea.  Doe's this mean she will come into labour soon or is the panting something that can last a few days.  How long is it safe to leave her panting for??
Also she is resting alot on the bed is it safe to move her once she comes into full labour - don't really want her having pups on my bed.  She has a whelping box which she is in and out of, but she prefers my bed!!! been reading up and it says that labour can stop if I try to move her, is this safe???

Hi Bonnie. It sounds like she's gearing up to go into labor. The panting and digging can last up to 24 hours. Anything after that, I'd put a call in to the vet just to be safe. I would go ahead and move her to the whelping box. Moving her won't stop her labor. Put her where ever you want her to have the pups so she can get use to it. Good luck!