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shit-zu breeding

18 12:00:24

hi .. my shitzu is 14mths old and is in her second season she is very wound up and whining alot than last time am a little worried she is in discomfort? do they get in pain at all? i no this may seem like a silly question but im a little worried.. i feel a little silly asking for an appointment at the vet. but if in fact i was aware she was in pain then of course i would obv. I am mating her on this season as i want to keep one of her bitches for a companion for her is there any advise i would need to know before i do as i know there could be complications i have read up on this am just a little worried as she is my first priorty thanks very much any advise would be appriciated..

Hi. I would take her in for a check up just to be on the safe side. I'm sure they experience some discomfort, but if a dog is whining, then I would have it checked out. Nothing is silly when you are concerned about your dog.:-) My best advice about breeding her, wait until her next heat. She's still pretty young yet, even for a small dog. Young dogs can have a harder time whelping, and may decide to not care for the puppies. If you decide to go ahead and breed her, be prepared in case you have to care for the pups. This means bottle feeding every 3 hours, keeping them clean, and 'pooping' the puppies. I'm going to give you a great web site, have a look and let me know if I can help with anything else.