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Boxer and breeding

18 13:31:20

Hello, I was just wondering, I have a female who had a litter 4 days ago and she had 4 beautiful pups:) I was wondering how long before she can be bred again, because I don't want to tire her out or do anything that could harm her. She was born July 3, 2007. She is a healthy, happy dog, and is my baby:) One more question:) My husband was saying that the pups would be ready to go at 6 weeks, I don't agree with that and I believe it's 8 weeks, am I right? I believe it is better for the pup and mom if we wait longer. Thank you

Hi Brigette

How was her labor and delivery?  Is her milk in strong?  Other than puppy weight, has she lost any weight? All that contributes to over all health of a female.  You can do back to back breedings, but the female must be in top physical shape and be given only the best food available.  After a back to back breeding you need to wait a year before breeding.

Just FYI, she should come into heat again when the pups are around 8 weeks old.  

We don't let any pups go until they are 8 weeks old.  Most breeders let them go at 6 weeks but two things should be considered.  The first is that the shot given as a "booster" is ineffective until the pups is at least 8 weeks and 2, there is some serious socialization that happens between 6 and 8 weeks.  Pups typically go through a "fear period" at around 6 weeks that is imprinted and stays with them.  Keeping them that few extra weeks, guarantees a more stable and secure pup.

Good luck.