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Rottweiler heat cycle came on sooner....when to expect it now?

18 13:48:29

My rottie came into heat at about 10 months of age in november, she had a false pregnancy afterwards. Around the end of February beginning of march I noticed her vulva was swollen and there was a slight sign of some blood. I never even thought it could be a heat since she wasn't due for her next heat. Now when the time has come for her heat cycle and nothing has happened we were going to breed her. Now I have no idea when she is going to come into heat again will it be sooner than 6 months like last time? Or can I try natural methods to bring it on. She did meet the stud already to see how they got along. Will being around the male dog bring on a heat. I would prefer not to use hormones. Any tips would be great.

Hi Dawn -- sounds like her heat cycle is out of whack.  But your female is still young. Introducing hormones may directly effect her future breeding prospects.

She needs help regulating her cycle. You can start by supplementing her with vitamins and have her thyroid levels checked.  As a breeder, she should be on the best kibble and supplements.

Is your dog an inside or outside dog?  If the female spends lots of time indoors it can affect her postpone or alter her heat cycles.  This is why females (in the wild) typically go in heat in the spring time, more natural light.

Introducing a male will not bring on a heat cycle. Your best bet is to have her progesterone levels tested, done by a simple blood test or swab.

Good luck.