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pregnant pei

18 13:28:26

I have a shar-pei that i first bred on febuary 26 last breeding was on march 1. She has had milk for 4 days and her temp is 99.4 how long should it be before she has puppies

Hi. She could be due at anytime, up to May 2nd. Since she's had milk in for a few days, I would think that she's going to go at anytime. Some girls will get their milk in about a week before whelping. I have found though, that if they get it in earlier than a week, they are more prone to mastitis, so you'll want to watch her for that. My best advice here would be to keep an eye on her, she could go into labor anyday now, or she may wait a week. Because we have that many different due dates, it's hard to pinpoint an exact date. Has she lost her mucus plug yet?