Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Pitbull Female tire of her puppies

Pitbull Female tire of her puppies

18 13:29:48

i have a pit bull female. she is a first time mother at 1 year and 7 months. she gave birth to 11 puppies 2 died within the 1st 36 hours. the puppies are now 10 days old and some have started to open one eye.Over the past two days i have to force her to get into her whelping box to feed puppies??. she has a whole room to herself with a 4x6 whelping box. the first 8 days she was a very good mother but now she really doesn't want to be around the pups. i bottle feed them twice a day to give her a brake at times. so what could be there problem?

Hi Robert. When a dog this young has puppies, they sometimes will just quit wanting to care for them, they're still puppy like themselves and may find it hard to sit still long enough to care for them. If she doesn't want anything to do with them, you'll have to take over and feed them yourself. Pups this age needs to be fed every 3 hours 24/7. When they hit two weeks, you can cut them down to every 4 hours. If mom doesn't have a temp, is eating/drinking fine, and doesn't have a nasty discharge, then I'd say she's fine, she just decided she doesn't want to be a mom anymore. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else.